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Alternate Work Location

The administration of Alternate Work Location for Faculty (AWL) can be found in Standard Administrative Procedure (SAP) 33.06.01.M0.02 which governs the AWL for faculty members.

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Adjunct Faculty Appointments

Adjunct titles are non-paid appointments to be used for faculty employees hired to teach for a limited period of time (one semester or academic year) and in many cases on a part-time basis.

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Administrative Appointments

The appointment of a faculty member to an administrative position, while maintaining faculty status, must follow (TAMUS Policy) 01.03 Appointing Power and Terms and Conditions of Employment, incorporate requirements as stated in (TAMU SAP) 01.03.99.M0.01 Incremental Pay and Appointment Status for Administrators with Faculty Appointments, and submitted for approval to the Provost and Executive Vice President through Faculty Affairs.

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Courtesy Joint Faculty Appointment

Faculty collaboration and interdisciplinary activities are to be encouraged and supported. In some cases, to foster such activities, faculty may pursue joint appointments with other departments within the same college/school or across different colleges/schools within Texas A&M University.
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Dual Employment

Dual employment exists when an employee of a Texas A&M System member institution is also employed at a different member institution, within the same member in a different position, or at another state agency.

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Emeritus/Emerita Nominations

Faculty members who, at the time of retirement hold a tenured or academic professional track appointment at Texas A&M University and have served the university at least 10 years, must be considered for emeritus/emerita status unless the faculty member requests in writing not to be considered. Faculty members who have served less than 10 years, may also be considered. 

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International Temporary Work Location Requests

Joint Appointments

Faculty collaboration and interdisciplinary activities are to be encouraged and supported. In some cases, to foster such activities, faculty may pursue joint appointments with other departments within the same college or across different colleges within Texas A&M University.

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Leave of Absence with Pay

In accordance with (TAMU SAP) 31.03.03.M0.01 Leave of Absence With Pay, a leave of absence with pay may be granted to a faculty member who is at least 50% time for a full semester in the year.

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Leave of Absence without Pay


Since the probationary period consists of a series of one-year contracts, a decision not to reappoint an individual who is on probation can be made any time up to the year of the mandatory review. Advance notice of non-reappointment, or intention not to reappoint a faculty member, shall be given in writing in accord with standards listed in Section 2.2 of University Rule 12.01.99.M1.

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Outside Professional Employment

Faculty wishing to engage in consulting and/or external professional employment directly related to their academic and professional discipline must obtain appropriate approval prior to initiation of the external activity. Employment by faculty members not directly related to their professional discipline is governed by System Regulation 31.05.02, External Employment.

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Reclassifications pertain to existing employees within the same department and can be lateral, upward or downward.

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Tenure Clock Extension

Extensions to the probationary period may be granted upon petition by the faculty member, recommendation by the department head and dean, and approval by the Vice President for Faculty Affairs. Extensions are usually for one year, but a longer period may be requested in compelling circumstances. Any extension greater than one year must be approved by the provost.

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