Faculty networks represent opportunities to engage with colleagues around issues on and off campus. They provide an important connection point for faculty with shared interests, they are integral to the campus community and amplify the faculty voice on campus. Some faculty networks also engage in opportunities for professional development of members, advocacy for issues and engagement with university administration.
Networks are proposed by faculty members and have opportunities for funding from the university and the Association of Former Students through the Office of the Vice President for Faculty Affairs. If you are interested in joining one of the networks below, visit their webpage or contact the leader of the network for more information. Submit requests for new networks and funding for existing networks to facultyaffairs@tamu.edu.
Academic Professional Track (APT) Faculty Network
The Academic Professional Track (APT) Faculty Network interfaces with the Faculty Senate, university administration and faculty on campus regarding issues relevant to academic professional track faculty, including job security, salary and job satisfaction.
Co-chair: Erik Prout (geoprout@tamu.edu)
Co-chair: Lorinda Cohen-Gomez (lcohen@tamu.edu)
African-American Professional Organization (AAPO)
The African-American Professional Organization (AAPO) recognizes and promotes the advancement of Black professionals, including faculty and staff, on the Texas A&M University campus and within the Texas A&M University System through professional development, advocacy, support, networking opportunities and Bryan-College Station community engagement.
Chair: Arthur Watson (acwatson@tamu.edu)
Catholic Faculty & Staff Network (CFSN)
The Catholic Faculty & Staff Network (CFSN) was established to serve and support all faculty, staff and students at Texas A&M University.
President: Mike Golla (mrgolla@tamu.edu)
Christian Faculty Network (CFN)
The Christian Faculty Network (CFN) aims to model excellence, establish friendships, facilitate integration of member's Christian faith into their professional life and promote thoughtful dialogue.
President: Micah Green (micah.green@tamu.edu)
Faculty Association at McAllen (FAM)
The mission of the Faculty Association at McAllen (FAM) is to elevate the Higher Education Center at McAllen (HECM) by supporting and encouraging collaboration, connection, and inclusion across diverse intercultural and interdepartmental faculty. FAM maximizes faculty and student success through offering opportunities for discussions, professional learning communities, and networking across departments and colleges that foster a welcoming environment at remote locations.
Leadership: Charity Cavazos (ccavazos@tamu.edu), Catherine Silkwood (c.silkwood@tamu.edu), Xuan Wang (bear_xuan@tamu.edu), Negin Mirhosseini (nmirhosseini@cvm.tamu.edu)
Friends of India Network (FIN)
The Friends of India Network (FIN) provides a forum for faculty and staff to foster awareness in the academic community on a range of issues and concerns on campus, and to enhance professional development and communication.
President: Giri Athrey (giridhar.athrey@ag.tamu.edu)
LGBTQ Professional Network
The LGBTQ Professional Network sponsors activities around professional development, supports efforts for faculty recruitment and engages university administration regarding support on and off campus.
President: Justin Rogers (ridetheskies@tamu.edu)
Military & Veteran Faculty and Staff Network (MilVetNet)
The purpose of MilVetNet is to create a community of faculty and staff that have served their nation in uniform. We recognize and promote the advancement of veterans on the Texas A&M University campus through, advocacy, support, networking opportunities and Bryan-College Station community engagement. In addition, the MilVetNet serves and informs student veterans, and faculty and staff who are veterans, by staying connected and engaged with the Don & Ellie Knauss Veterans Resource and Support Center (VRSC).
Contact: Dave Fujimoto (dfujimoto@txamfoundation.com)
Muslim Faculty Network (MFN)
The Muslim Faculty Network advocates and provides a support network for the concerns and professional development needs of Muslim faculty and staff.
Co-chair: Salah Ayari (ayari-s@tamu.edu)
Co-chair: Rebecca Hankins (rhankins@library.tamu.edu)
Women's Faculty Network (WFN)
The (Women's Faculty Network) WFN encourages and promotes the professional development of women faculty through formal programming and informational networking opportunities.
President: Gabriela Marin Thornton (gthornton@tamu.edu)
Women Administrators Network
The Women Administrators Network encourages, supports and empowers women in administrative roles as faculty and staff on campus. They advocate for issues relevant to the mission of the network.
Leadership: Jane Schneider (jane-schneider@tamu.edu), Lisa Brown (lisabrown@tamu.edu), Jane Welsh (c-welsh@tamu.edu)